DIPOL Weekly Review - TV and SAT TV, CCTV, WLAN

No. 23/2009 (June 8, 2009)
Anga 2009 - will the crisis stop digitalization? ANGA Cable 2009 - the trade fair for cable, broadband and satellite - took place between May 26 and 28, as usual in Cologne, Germany. 380 exhibitors (including the new 11) had their stands on the area of 22,000 square meters.
The visitors had the impression that the exhibition was done with a flourish and prepared very professionally. During the three days the exhibition was visited by 13,600 people - an increase of 13% compared to last year. There were 18 lectures and discussion panels conducted by 92 presenters, for 1400 specialists.

Conversations at the stands and messages coming from the lectures instilled optimism about the further development of techniques for receiving and distributing television signals. Unfortunately, in the face of declining revenue and tightening budgets, governments are not eager to spend millions of euro for digitalization of terrestrial broadcasting. Germany has not even set the deadline for switching off analog terrestrial transmitters. At the current rate of this process it would end in the year 2017. Spain planned to cover with DVB-T signal all its territory by April 2010, but today, it is known that this aim is unrealistic.
At ANGA Cable 2009 exhibition, equipment manufacturers demonstrated their preparation for broadcasting and receiving both DVB-T and DVB-T2 programs. The nearest test for the industry will be the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, Canada.

And... the organizers invite everyone to the next fair, which will take place a little earlier, on May 4 - 6, 2010.

A photo report from Anga Cable 2009
ANGA Cable 2009 - Cologne, May 26 - 28
ANGA Cable 2009 - Cologne, May 26 - 28
ANGA Cable 2009 - Cologne, May 26 - 28
TERRA company presented a complete offer of headends, multiswiches, optical devices. In the middle of this year, it will introduce a new line of RF amplifiers called "CABRIO". They are based on new components and show new design. The transmission paths are marked with different colors. This should substantially reduce the number of mistakes during installation.
A measure of prosperity - hostesses at the Anga fair. In the boom years of the Internet companies competed each other in focusing attention. Interesting gadgets (e.g. at CeBIT Zyxel company gave as a gift to each visitor a calculator) and attractive hostesses promoted trademarks and increased prestige of the companies.
With the approaching crisis companies cut marketing costs. Dry presentations of the equipment and dull lectures tend to replace attractive shows.
However, assessing the condition of cable and satellite industry according to the number of hostesses it is not so bad :-).

The nicest hostesses - a photo report
The nicest hostesses
The nicest hostesses
The nicest hostesses
The nicest hostesses
Hostesses at Anga Cable 2009
Multiswitch installation and cable TV - part 1. Modern multiswitch installations (SMATV systems) capable of distributing satellite and terrestrial signals can be easily extended with cable TV programs.
The cable TV signal should be transmitted only in the main path of the terrestrial line, then split and combined on each floor with the satellite signals, using TV/SAT combiner DC-009 R85300. Before combining, the cable TV channels can be divided into channel packets, with the use of appropriate filters. This type of solution is used by cable networks in many installations.

The most flexible multiswitch installations in multi-story buildings are based on 9-cable system. On each floor there is a splitter providing signals to the multiswitches. It allows to shape the network according to actual requirements - there can be deployed practically unlimited number of outlets.
As an example: - According to the developer's requirements, each apartment has been equipped with one satellite cable. But after a year, many or the residents have bought twin PVR receivers and want to get next signal. The solution is simple - on the floors where we need more cables we change the multiswitches for more capacious ones - the rest of the installation does not require any change and the whole system functions normally.

SAT/TV TAP: Terra SS-510SAT/TV TAP: Terra SS-510SAT/TV TAP: Terra SS-510SAT/TV TAP: Terra SS-5108-way Tap: Signal O-8 (5-1000 MHz)TV/SAT Wall Plate: Signal R-TV-SAT (terminal)9/16 Multiswitch: Terra  MSR-916 (active terrestrial path)9/12 Multiswitch: Terra MSR-912 (active terrestrial path)TV/Sat Combiner (Diplexer) DC-009 Terra
Cable TV in a 9-cable multiswitch system
Protection against lightning. One of the biggest threats to electronic equipment, especially CCTV devices, is lightning. Most damages are not caused by direct lightning strike, but by the buildup of hazardous voltages in the cables. Therefore, the most vulnerable installations are those with long cables, especially overhead lines in the open field.
The device that protects analog CCTV equipment from lightning discharges, voltage differences and strokes, as well as electric currents in video signal cables is Video Separator SV-1000 (M1711). IP cameras connected to LAN via UTP/FTP cable can be secured by LH Protector J2820 that lowers the excess voltage to the safe level, set for this type of equipment according to European standards.

The devices should be carefully installed. The protective device should be placed as close as possible to the protected equipment, which means that if we protect a camera, it is best to mount it inside the housing of the camera. Protecting monitors and DVRs, we have to employ next protectors in their immediate vicinity.
The instructions for installing the SV-1000 video separator explain how to do it correctly (as well as inform that it requires to use power supply); in the case of LH protector the included description says that the device should not be connected to grounding with resistance greater than 4 ohm.

The protecting devices are highly recommended for monitoring systems at fairs, parking lots, building sites, etc., that is places where the cables are located in the open.

Outdoor Color Camera: VF-515 IRVideo Separator SV-1000Computer Network Protector: LHCCTV 19IP Speed Dome Day/Night Camera: ACTi CAM-6621 (MPEG-4)
Protection of CCTV devices connected via coaxial and UTP/FTP cables
Cable for transmission of video and power - extended range, a 6-year warranty. Composite CAMSET 100 M6100 cable consists of coaxial part and two insulated copper wires of 1.0 mm2 intersection (each wire) for powering cameras. The thickness of their double insulation allows to power the camera even from 230V AC line, so the cable can operate at typical voltages of 12, 24, 115, and 230 V.
A conductor made of stranded copper wire of 0.5 mm2 intersection, at 20oC has resistance of 39 ohm/km, this one of 1.0 mm2 intersection - 19.5 ohm/km. A typical CCTV camera consumes 150 to 250 mA. Taking the upper value, according to the Ohm's Law the maximum distance of supplying power is about 60 m for CAMSET 50 2x0.5 mm2, and about 120 m for CAMSET 100 2x1.0 mm2.
The CAMSET 100 M6100 cable should be used for longer lines, where CAMSET 50 M6050 is not suitable due to excessive voltage drop (over 10% at the cameras - the problem is especially acute in the case of using thermostats).
CCTV cable: CAMSET 100 75-0.59/3.7+2x1.0 [100m]<br />(92% braid coverage, 2 power wires up to 230V AC)
Composite CCTV cable CAMSET 100 75-0.59/3.7+2x1.0
92% braid coverage, 2 power wires up to 230VAC
Megapixel camera TCM-4301 (H.264) K1515 - small size, advanced compression. ACTi Corp. has launched on the market a new model of megapixel camera. Although it seems similar to the popular ACM-4201 K1514, the operation properties of the new camera are quite different. The TCM-4301 K1515 model has resolution of 1.3 Mpx using H.264 compression. It is capable of transmitting full-resolution images up to 18 fps. In addition, the camera has Dual Stream function, which allows to transmit two independent video streams with completely different image parameters. In this way it is possible to separate video stream for local recording and viewing, and a narrower stream for remote viewing over the Internet.

Distinguishing features of the new camera:
  • Micron Progressive Scan CMOS Sensor
  • Megapixel lens f4.2 mm / F1.8
  • Sensitivity: 0.5 lx at F1.0
  • Functions: shutter speed adjustment, white balance, exposition, gain adjustment
  • H.264/MJPEG/MPEG4 compressions - two simultaneous streams
  • SXGA resolution at 18 fps
  • Two-way audio
  • Motion detection
  • 12VDC power supply, PoE option
Outdoor Megapixel IP Camera: ACTi ACM-1231Megapixel IP Camera: ACTi TCM-4301 (H.264)
TCM-4301 K1515 camera with H.264 compression
Video transmission in IP networks. In order to improve the transmission of video streams over the network, while ensuring optimal video quality, the following mechanisms are used:
  • Dual Stream;
  • Quality of Service.
IP camera equipped with a Dual Stream system allows to send two separate streams of different quality. Thanks to this, the higher-quality stream is transmitted to the server, where it is recorded, and the stream of a lower quality can be sent to remote clients.
The client, connecting with cameras featuring Dual Stream, can watch only the lower-quality images, however - having access to the local NVR - he/she can take advantage of the material recorded with high resolution, if needed. Two streams are generated e.g. by the cameras K1133, K1134, K1135.
Use of cameras with Dual Stream
QoS mechanisms are available in modern networks, providing a defined quality of service by giving priority to individual services. By using the mechanism of QoS, the traffic is arranged in a hierarchy - the more important data will be given higher priority, in order to have a small delay and no loss of packets.
Unfortunately, the use of this method in practice is limited to local area networks, due to poor characteristics of many WANs: low capacity and outdated equipment.
MAC Clone feature of the router - what is it for? This function allows the user to change the factory MAC address of the WAN port of the router to that of the computer's NIC. It is very useful when instead of one computer the user wants to connect a number of them, all using the same IP address. In many cases ISPs provide service to the users by filtering MAC addresses of their network adapters/computers and - on this basis - allocate them individual IP addresses. Therefore, installing a router which communicates with the WAN instead of the computer, the user needs to copy to the router the same MAC address.
In the case of TP-Link routers it can be done in the Network >> MAC Clone menu.
GSM Antenna: ATK 20/850-960 MHz<br />(20-element, 10m cable, N-male)
Swapping original MAC address of WAN port with MAC Clone function
Description of the fields:
  • WAN MAC Address - current MAC address of the WAN port of the router. It can be manually changed from the keyboard;
  • Restore Factory MAC - restores the default MAC address of the router;
  • Your PC's MAC Address - MAC address of the computer's NIC (in the computer used for configuring the router);
  • Clone MAC Address - this function automatically copies the MAC address of the NIC to the router.
More on configuration of routers - e.g. TP-Link TL-WR542G N2950 - you can read in the DIPOL's Library:
How to configure a router?

Video surveillance systems on farms - application of IP cameras and ULTIAIR devices. Farms store agricultural equipment and crops over large areas. It poses problems with surveillance of the property. In farms with areas exceeding 15000 m2 the best solution is use of wireless transmission. Wireless infrastructure is ideal for scattered points. Motion detection that is a standard function in all modern recording systems allows a nearly maintenance-free operation.
Such IP CCTV system using wireless devices for video transmission eliminates the need of earth works and allows to easily change the configuration of the system. Data transmission is performed by using ULTIAIR devices, specially designed for efficient transmission of video streams.
The diagram below shows an example IP video surveillance system using IP cameras and wireless devices.
Wireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 319KCOutdoor Megapixel IP Camera: ACTi ACM-1231Wireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 419KCWireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 419KCWireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 419KCWireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 417SBOutdoor Megapixel IP Camera: ACTi ACM-1231Wireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 319KCWireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 319KCOutdoor Megapixel IP Camera: ACTi ACM-1231Outdoor Megapixel IP Camera: ACTi ACM-1231Wireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 319KCOutdoor Megapixel IP Camera: ACTi ACM-1231Wireless Access Point: ULTIAIR 319KCULTIAIR
IP CCTV system in a farm
  • Camera points
    • Outdoor 1.3 Mpx camera ACTi ACM-1231 K1511 - this megapixel camera from ACTi offers very high image quality (resolution: 1280 x 1024) even in low light. The employed CMOS sensor and IR illuminator allow operation even in total darkness (0 lx).
    • These features make it ideal for monitoring black areas. High resolution guaranties recording of small details such as facial features of the perpetrators or numbers from the license plate of their car.
  • Wireless transmission
    • ULTIAIR devices. These access points transmit video data from the camera points. High throughput allows to watch and record full-resolution images.
    • Camera points cooperate with ULTIAIR 319KC N2310 APs, enabling video transmission over distances up to 4 km (ULTIAIR 323KC N2311 can extend the distance up to 7 km).
  • Software
    • The surveillance post is equipped with ULTISYSTEM software that manages monitoring and recording functions of the system. ULTISYSTEM is an advanced network video surveillance software.
    • The software allows to record video streams from megapixel cameras of all well-known manufacturers.
      ULTISYSTEM software has reached more than 35,000 installations throughout the world now.
We have written about:

ULTIMAX - DVRs for demanding customers - maps in remote client software. Distributed video surveillance systems and systems with a large number of cameras should enable the operator to easily locate the camera capturing the image, or the sequence of cameras that follow a moving object. Camera names or numbers are in such systems inadequate for effective operation...
- archive DWR of June 16, 2008

How to use wireless connectivity to develop the network at home or office. Internet access is nowadays indispensable at home and office. It can be easily distributed among many users by wireless means, e.g. based on TP-LINK equipment...
- archive DWR of Sept. 8, 2008

Size of an object on monitor screen. According to EN 50132-7 norm, the size of the representation of an object, e.g. human figure should be strictly connected with the aim of the operator - identification, recognition, detection or general observation...
- archive DWR of Nov. 26, 2007

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