Socuri mai usoare - noul standard pentru transmiterea de date

Socuri mai usoare - noul standard pentru transmiterea de date (Nr 36/2010)

La data de 18 octombrie 2010, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), anunta ratificarea standardului numit IEEE 1901. Noul standard, sau BPL...

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Super Hi-Vision - televiziune inspirata.

Super Hi-Vision - televiziune inspirata. (Nr 34/2010)

La data de 29 septembrie 2010, fibrele optice de la Londra la Tokyo au avut de-a face cu cea mai dura provocare. Pentru prima data in istorie, semnalul Super ...

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10 tendinte in CCTV.

10 tendinte in CCTV. (Nr 33/2010)

La inceputul anului, compania IMS Research, care angajeaza multi analisti in tari precum SUA, China si Anglia, a pregatit un raport privind cresterea asteptat...

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The third revolution in the computing world - Songdo International City in South Korea.

The third revolution in the computing world - Songdo International City in South Korea. (Nr 25/2010)

The New Songdo City, to be completed by 2015, has been founded on the idea of a global model of the city with the most innovative infrastructure, schools, bui...

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Who has the fastest Internet in the world?

Who has the fastest Internet in the world? (Nr 24/2010)

According to the www.netindex.com website, the fastest access to the Internet have residents of South Korea. The average throughput is 34.18 Mb/s. The second p...

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Vancouver has the Olympics and security.

Vancouver has the Olympics and security. (Nr 8/2010)

The Olympic Games are a very important event for the whole world. The organizers should create great atmosphere and provide a wonderful spectacle. A very impor...

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