La data de 18 octombrie 2010, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), anunta ratificarea standardului numit IEEE 1901. Noul standard, sau BPL...
- Antene pe un vulcan - unde se poate asa ceva?
- Sursa de alimentare pentru sistemele multiswitch.
- Este necesara masurarea semnalului TV digital? - Parametru MER.
- Monitorizarea la distanta a unui santier - DVR-uri TREND si telefoane mobile
- O descoperire functionala in sistemele de supraveghere video - nu este nevoie de un centru de monitorizare
- AXON AIR NetProtector - Protectie la supratensiune a cablurilor aeriene.
- Vulcanul Etna - Sicilia
La data de 29 septembrie 2010, fibrele optice de la Londra la Tokyo au avut de-a face cu cea mai dura provocare. Pentru prima data in istorie, semnalul Super ...
- Voturile cititorilor - "Pasionati de Antene."
- Problema semnalelor prea puternice in sisteme multiswitch.
- Analizator semnal DVB-T DIGIAIR PRO.
- Sigure si stabile - NVR-urile AVerMedia.
- Supraveghere video IP folosita in scoli.
- Router TP-Link TD-W8960N ADSL Wireless.
La inceputul anului, compania IMS Research, care angajeaza multi analisti in tari precum SUA, China si Anglia, a pregatit un raport privind cresterea asteptat...
- "Pasionati de Antene" - noi recompensam autorii celor mai bune lucrari si ii invitam pe toti sa isi aleaga propriile imagini favorite.
- DVB-T - sfaturi pentru amplificatoare de semnal.
- Sistem modern de receptie - multiswitch si cardsplitter.
- DVR-uri si camere CCTV pentru sarcini speciale.
- Supraveghere video IP jurul unui restaurant - Camere ACTi.
- Noi functii ale camerelor CCTV - HLC.
- Antene WLAN pentru distante mari - TRANS-DATA.
The third revolution in the computing world - Songdo International City in South Korea. (Nr 25/2010)
The New Songdo City, to be completed by 2015, has been founded on the idea of a global model of the city with the most innovative infrastructure, schools, bui...
- Engagingly about Antennas - a photo contest.
- SMATV system in a modern residential estate.
- Video monitoring of a building complex.
- Modernization of a school video surveillance system.
- Safe and secure housing - a quiet vacation.
- Video data transmission over 3G network - monitoring of a construction site.
According to the website, the fastest access to the Internet have residents of South Korea. The average throughput is 34.18 Mb/s. The second p...
- Engagingly about Antennas - 9th DIPOL's Summer Holiday Contest 2010.
- Constellation diagram - the indicator of DVB-T signal quality.
- Two signals in one cable.
- Video surveillance at an apartment complex.
- Professional monitoring of a currency exchange / jeweler's shop.
- Security at the highest level - video monitoring of Rotonda in Ljubljana.
- The launch of the first outdoor AP from TP-Link.
The Olympic Games are a very important event for the whole world. The organizers should create great atmosphere and provide a wonderful spectacle. A very impor...
- Radio links using untypical masts - where are they?
- How to choose the components of a headend?
- SMATV system in a multi-family building - TERRA multiswitches.
- Building blocks of the network - SFP transceivers.
- New DVRs from the world leader - HIKVISION/ULTIMAX.
- Coverage problems have gone away - application of GSM amplifier/repeater.
- N connectors in WLAN systems - installation instructions.
- Greece.