Va modifica Apple formatul laptop-ului?

Va modifica Apple formatul laptop-ului? (Nr 43/2010)

În luna aprilie a anului viitor, ar trebui să aşteptăm lansarea unei noi generaţii a liniei de laptopuri profesionale Apple - MacBook Pro. Compania este cunosc...

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Americanii vor plăti mai puţin pentru televiziune şi aleg IPTV şi OTT.

Americanii vor plăti mai puţin pentru televiziune şi aleg IPTV şi OTT. (Nr 42/2010)

Potrivit raportului SNL Kagan, piaţa de televiziune cu plată din SUA a scăzut în al doilea trimestru al anului 2010 cu 246,000 de abonaţi. Tendinţa descendentă...

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Vor fi japonezii cei care vor stabili nivelul preţului mondial? LTE - un progres în domeniul telecomunicaţiilor.

Vor fi japonezii cei care vor stabili nivelul preţului mondial? LTE - un progres în domeniul telecomunicaţiilor. (Nr 41/2010)

NTT Docomo, Inc., operatorul de telefonie mobilă predominant în Japonia, urmează să lanseze serviciul LTE pe data de 24 decembrie 2010. Serviciul va oferi nu n...

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Mehr Licht (mai multă lumină) pentru Europa.

Mehr Licht (mai multă lumină) pentru Europa. (Nr 40/2010)

La data de 26 octombrie 2010, la conferinţa de la Paris privind conexiunile de bandă largă, Fiber To The Home Council Europe a publicat un raport cu privire la...

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Noii senzori CMOS produc imagini mai bune.

Noii senzori CMOS produc imagini mai bune. (Nr 39/2010)

În luna august a acestui an, Canon Inc a anunţat dezvoltarea a doi senzori de imagine de ultimă generaţie, bazaţi pe tehnologia CMOS. - Primul este un senzor C...

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Turbulenţele de pe pieţele europene legate de DVB-T.

Turbulenţele de pe pieţele europene legate de DVB-T. (Nr 38/2010)

În ciuda nivelul său de dezvoltare, Europa este depăşită de restul lumii în ceea ce priveşte punerea în aplicare a tehnologiilor moderne de televiziune. Nevoia...

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Centru de monitorizare incorporat in camera.

Centru de monitorizare incorporat in camera. (Nr 37/2010)

Un centru sau post de monitorizare situat direct in locatia supravegheata, materialele fiind inregistrate pe un VCR - asa a inceput era sistemelor CCTV. Un mo...

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Socuri mai usoare - noul standard pentru transmiterea de date

Socuri mai usoare - noul standard pentru transmiterea de date (Nr 36/2010)

La data de 18 octombrie 2010, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), anunta ratificarea standardului numit IEEE 1901. Noul standard, sau BPL...

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"Ochi" mai buni, "creier" imbunatatit. (Nr 35/2010)

Senzorul si procesorul de semnal poate fi asemanat cu ochiul si creierul camerei. Introducerea de noi tehnologii pentru ambele elemente este cruciala pentru de...

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Super Hi-Vision - televiziune inspirata.

Super Hi-Vision - televiziune inspirata. (Nr 34/2010)

La data de 29 septembrie 2010, fibrele optice de la Londra la Tokyo au avut de-a face cu cea mai dura provocare. Pentru prima data in istorie, semnalul Super ...

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10 tendinte in CCTV.

10 tendinte in CCTV. (Nr 33/2010)

La inceputul anului, compania IMS Research, care angajeaza multi analisti in tari precum SUA, China si Anglia, a pregatit un raport privind cresterea asteptat...

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Se apropie o revolutie a telecomunicatiilor la nivel mondial.

Se apropie o revolutie a telecomunicatiilor la nivel mondial. (Nr 32/2010)

In concordanta cu estimarile analistilor, pe scara larga sistemele LTE au devenit o realitate. In domeniul telecomunicatiilor, sfarsitul anului 2010 poate fi u...

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Neafectati de criza, continuand sa se extinda - inainte de reuniunea Europeana de la Essen.

Neafectati de criza, continuand sa se extinda - inainte de reuniunea Europeana de la Essen. (Nr 31/2010)

Forta motrice din spatele bunei conditii ale industriei de securitate este o amenintare constanta. Anii crizei economice, dominata de diferite forme ale tulbur...

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Viziunile futuristice ale Google, prezentate la IFA 2010 in Berlin.

Viziunile futuristice ale Google, prezentate la IFA 2010 in Berlin. (Nr 30/2010)

Viitorul ne va spune care a fost cel mai important eveniment de la targul IFA, emisiunea 3D transmisa live sau prezentarea de o ora prezentata unui grup mic de...

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Catre limitele cablului - MoCA 2.0.

Catre limitele cablului - MoCA 2.0. (Nr 29/2010)

Pe 15 iunie 2010, Multimedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA) a anuntat ratificarea a standardului de urmatoare generatie, MoCA 2.0. Acest eveniment a dus la la cerer...

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Competitia Google -

Competitia Google - "Think Big With a Gig". (Nr 28/2010)

In februarie 2010, google a anuntat ca pana la sfarsitul anului, va conecta proximativ 500 000 de abonati din Statele Unite la Internet prin intermediul unei r...

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3D HDTV - un mare boom sau o mare dezamagire?

3D HDTV - un mare boom sau o mare dezamagire? (Nr 27/2010)

Operatorul SES ASTRA va transmite programe HDTV in tehnologie 3D HDTV in intervalul 3-18 septembrie. Ocazia acestui experiment conincide cu sarbatorirea a cel...

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"A marvelous new world." (Nr 26/2010)

Buying a laptop, do you want to pay the lowest price? - Take a photo of it with your smartphone, after a moment you will receive a message about the price of t...

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The third revolution in the computing world - Songdo International City in South Korea.

The third revolution in the computing world - Songdo International City in South Korea. (Nr 25/2010)

The New Songdo City, to be completed by 2015, has been founded on the idea of a global model of the city with the most innovative infrastructure, schools, bui...

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Who has the fastest Internet in the world?

Who has the fastest Internet in the world? (Nr 24/2010)

According to the www.netindex.com website, the fastest access to the Internet have residents of South Korea. The average throughput is 34.18 Mb/s. The second p...

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A new era of the Internet.

A new era of the Internet. (Nr 23/2010)

The Internet in the current formula has already exhausted its possibilities. The data transmission network with a capacity of about 4 billion addresses no long...

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Compatibility and intelligence - IFSEC 2010.

Compatibility and intelligence - IFSEC 2010. (Nr 21/2010)

This year's International Fire and Security Exhibition and Conference (IFSEC) in Birmingham was held between May 10 and 13. It is the world's leading...

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Television - it's good, but ... why?

Television - it's good, but ... why? (Nr 20/2010)

The international trade show ANGA Cable in Cologne is a barometer of the economic situation in the TV market (televisions and cooperating devices, TV distribut...

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Birmingham defines

Birmingham defines "Security Industry". (Nr 19/2010)

IFSEC 2010, the annual global security industry event in Birmingham, is being held from May 10th through May 13th. The IFSEC exhibition is a prestigious and we...

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Does Intel make a breakthrough in the intelligent home market?

Does Intel make a breakthrough in the intelligent home market? (Nr 18/2010)

Earlier this year, Intel introduced Intel(R) Home Dashboard Concept. The set of equipment is used primarily for home energy management, but application of a 32...

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OTT TV - time for diversity.

OTT TV - time for diversity. (Nr 17/2010)

The term OTT TV (Over-The-Top Television) is defined as transmission of video content bypassing the traditional distribution channels (terrestrial and satellit...

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The start of global TV - Google enters the market.

The start of global TV - Google enters the market. (Nr 16/2010)

Transmissions from the Indian cricket competition may become a landmark in television broadcasts. Indian Premier League (IPL) games are very prestigious events...

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A sapper makes a mistake only once...

A sapper makes a mistake only once... (Nr 15/2010)

Installing antennas is a dangerous job (steep, slippery roofs etc). Sometimes the installers risk too much... We invite you to take part in the "Engagingly abo...

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"Quantum dots" - new improvement in CMOS technology. (Nr 14/2010)

Image sensor is the element of cameras which converts the image projected onto it by the lens into electrical impulses. Currently, there are two main matrix (a...

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A breakthrough in high-speed wireless transmission - Gigabit WiFi.

A breakthrough in high-speed wireless transmission - Gigabit WiFi. (Nr 13/2010)

Since 2008, two working groups under the auspices of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) have been developing standards to enable wir...

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CCTV market - now and in the future.

CCTV market - now and in the future. (Nr 12/2010)

Last year many manufacturers and investors had to face the crises, thus their striving for efficiency. However, it did not mean stagnation in the field of secu...

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Three-dimensional television without glasses.

Three-dimensional television without glasses. (Nr 11/2010)

The idea of making screens for displaying 3D images, allowing to view the 3D imaging without special glasses, consists in mounting special screens or arrays of...

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Does the crisis end? - CeBIT 2010.

Does the crisis end? - CeBIT 2010. (Nr 10/2010)

The world's largest trade fair for IT and telecommunications was held in Hanover between March 2 and 6, 2010. 4157 companies represented 68 countries. For...

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Wireless HDMI.

Wireless HDMI. (Nr 9/2010)

Gefen company has launched a new device on the market, which allows wireless transmission of uncompressed HDMI 1.3 audio/video at resolutions of up to 1080p / ...

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Vancouver has the Olympics and security.

Vancouver has the Olympics and security. (Nr 8/2010)

The Olympic Games are a very important event for the whole world. The organizers should create great atmosphere and provide a wonderful spectacle. A very impor...

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The goal of the Chinese mobile TV operator - 10 million users in 2010.

The goal of the Chinese mobile TV operator - 10 million users in 2010. (Nr 7/2010)

In January this year, China Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) was covering 280 Chinesse cities with its mobile TV service based on CMMB (China Multimedia Mobile B...

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"Always On, Always Connected." (Nr 6/2010)

The principle "Always On, Always Connected" of Broadcom Corporation is a new approach to management of multimedia connected consumer devices, communications, c...

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Systems of artificial intelligence - the future of image analysis.

Systems of artificial intelligence - the future of image analysis. (Nr 5/2010)

The biggest problem with the image analysis is the uniqueness of the input parameters. The object is never the same - differently illuminated, appearing at var...

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The third dimension according to Panasonic.

The third dimension according to Panasonic. (Nr 4/2010)

The major manufacturers compete with each other in preparing 3D image display systems. Panasonic is dedicated to developing technologies for: capturing video (...

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New impulses in consumer electronics - CES 2010.

New impulses in consumer electronics - CES 2010. (Nr 3/2010)

The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is a barometer of trends in consumer electronics. The reputation of the largest exhibition event...

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HDMI 1.4 - new interface generation for multimedia transmission.

HDMI 1.4 - new interface generation for multimedia transmission. (Nr 2/2010)

HDMI interface enables transmission of uncompressed high definition video and digital audio via a single, integrated cable. It allows to connect DVD or Blu-ray...

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100 Mbps for $100 per month - DOCSIS 3.0.

100 Mbps for $100 per month - DOCSIS 3.0. (Nr 1/2010)

Optimum Online Ultra is the Internet access service offered for end users in New York City. For 100 USD subscription fee, the subscriber gets 101 Mbps download...

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