În luna aprilie a anului viitor, ar trebui să aşteptăm lansarea unei noi generaţii a liniei de laptopuri profesionale Apple - MacBook Pro. Compania este cunosc...
- Antenele sunt ilegale în acea ţară.
- Transmisii optice în reţele de cablu TV - TERRA MOS211.
- Hard disk-uri detaşabile în sistemele CCTV.
- Funcţiile porturilor I/O de la camerele moderne CCTV.
- Monitorizarea unei curţi de depozitare a materialelor de construcţii.
- Repeatere GSM - reglarea semnalului de intrare.
- Singapore.
Potrivit raportului SNL Kagan, piaţa de televiziune cu plată din SUA a scăzut în al doilea trimestru al anului 2010 cu 246,000 de abonaţi. Tendinţa descendentă...
- Platforma digitală din ţara cu biserici ortodoxe şi un cimitir vesel.
- Sisteme multiswitch - importanţa de a considera topologia reţelei.
- Monitorizarea video IP devine mai uşoară.
- Cum să vizualizezi imagini de pe camera CCTV pe telefoanele mobile cu sistem de operare Android sau Symbian?
- Selecţie dependentă de problemă la camerele CCTV.
- Sistemele IP CCTV cu camere ACTi în şcoli.
- Repeater GSM - utilizează echipamente certificate (şi legale) care acoperă întreaga bandă.
- România.
NTT Docomo, Inc., operatorul de telefonie mobilă predominant în Japonia, urmează să lanseze serviciul LTE pe data de 24 decembrie 2010. Serviciul va oferi nu n...
- Supravegherea video a ruinelor romane.
- DVB-T - cel mai ieftin upgrade al unui sistem TV de hotel.
- Cum să vizualizezi imagini de pe o cameră CCTV pe un telefon mobil cu Windows Mobile?
- Sisteme CCTV - o abordare integrată a cerinţelor managementului calităţii.
- Ajustări video în balunuri video active din seria Etrix.
- Camerele WDR pot citi plăcuţe de înmatriculare.
- Software-ul open-source pentru TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND N3253.
- Iordania.
La data de 26 octombrie 2010, la conferinţa de la Paris privind conexiunile de bandă largă, Fiber To The Home Council Europe a publicat un raport cu privire la...
- Antene în cele mai vechi oraşe ale lumii.
- Proiectarea sistemelor SMATV.
- Imagini CCTV în Mozilla Firefox în loc de Internet Explorer.
- Înlocuirea lentilelor la camerele cu dom.
- Sistem Wireless IP CCTV.
- Fii legal - utilizează repetoarele GSM certificate.
- Votul cititorilor - "Pasionaţi de antene".
- Jericho.
În luna august a acestui an, Canon Inc a anunţat dezvoltarea a doi senzori de imagine de ultimă generaţie, bazaţi pe tehnologia CMOS. - Primul este un senzor C...
- Antenele pe urmele Renaşterii.
- Cablul TV la câteva televizoare - probleme cu semnalul.
- DVR-uri TREND din punct de vedere economic şi profesional.
- Transmisie video pe distanţe lungi folosind cablu torsadat.
- Monitorizarea CCTV - continuarea transmisiei de date.
- Reţea Wi-Fi performantă cu acces la Internet.
- Antene TRANS-DATA - soluţia ideală pentru repetoarele GSM.
În ciuda nivelul său de dezvoltare, Europa este depăşită de restul lumii în ceea ce priveşte punerea în aplicare a tehnologiilor moderne de televiziune. Nevoia...
- Rezolvă problemele dificile prin utilizarea multiswitchurilor TERRA.
- Potenţial crescut Hikvision/Ultimax DVRs.
- Seriile Sony Effio-E DSP.
- ULTIAIR - monitorizarea locurilor de parcare
Un centru sau post de monitorizare situat direct in locatia supravegheata, materialele fiind inregistrate pe un VCR - asa a inceput era sistemelor CCTV. Un mo...
- Ei vor sa vada Bromo.
- Analizator semnal DVB-T si TV analogic: Digiair PRO.
- Televiziune prin cablu pentru mai multe televizoare.
- Comoditate si flexibilitate - supraveghere video prin intermediul telefoanelor mobile.
- Administrarea de la distanta a sistemelor locale de monitorizare.
- Retea LAN/WLAN, cu acces wireless la Internet si sistem IP CCTV.
- Muntele Bromo - Indonezia.
La data de 18 octombrie 2010, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), anunta ratificarea standardului numit IEEE 1901. Noul standard, sau BPL...
- Antene pe un vulcan - unde se poate asa ceva?
- Sursa de alimentare pentru sistemele multiswitch.
- Este necesara masurarea semnalului TV digital? - Parametru MER.
- Monitorizarea la distanta a unui santier - DVR-uri TREND si telefoane mobile
- O descoperire functionala in sistemele de supraveghere video - nu este nevoie de un centru de monitorizare
- AXON AIR NetProtector - Protectie la supratensiune a cablurilor aeriene.
- Vulcanul Etna - Sicilia
Senzorul si procesorul de semnal poate fi asemanat cu ochiul si creierul camerei. Introducerea de noi tehnologii pentru ambele elemente este cruciala pentru de...
- SatKrak 2010.
- Voturile cititorilor - "Pasionati de Antene."
- Receptor DVB-T, PVR si player multimedia - Signal HD-507.
- Camera CCTV de zi/noapte Sunell SN-BXC59/30CDN M11209.
- Sisteme CCTV flexibile bazate pe DVR-uri Hibrid AverMedia.
- Camere Pixord cu compresie H.264.
- Case multimedia bazate pe standardul 802.11n.
La data de 29 septembrie 2010, fibrele optice de la Londra la Tokyo au avut de-a face cu cea mai dura provocare. Pentru prima data in istorie, semnalul Super ...
- Voturile cititorilor - "Pasionati de Antene."
- Problema semnalelor prea puternice in sisteme multiswitch.
- Analizator semnal DVB-T DIGIAIR PRO.
- Sigure si stabile - NVR-urile AVerMedia.
- Supraveghere video IP folosita in scoli.
- Router TP-Link TD-W8960N ADSL Wireless.
La inceputul anului, compania IMS Research, care angajeaza multi analisti in tari precum SUA, China si Anglia, a pregatit un raport privind cresterea asteptat...
- "Pasionati de Antene" - noi recompensam autorii celor mai bune lucrari si ii invitam pe toti sa isi aleaga propriile imagini favorite.
- DVB-T - sfaturi pentru amplificatoare de semnal.
- Sistem modern de receptie - multiswitch si cardsplitter.
- DVR-uri si camere CCTV pentru sarcini speciale.
- Supraveghere video IP jurul unui restaurant - Camere ACTi.
- Noi functii ale camerelor CCTV - HLC.
- Antene WLAN pentru distante mari - TRANS-DATA.
In concordanta cu estimarile analistilor, pe scara larga sistemele LTE au devenit o realitate. In domeniul telecomunicatiilor, sfarsitul anului 2010 poate fi u...
- Pasionati de Antene - al 9-lea Concurs Vacanta de vara DIPOL 2010.
- Doua receivere, un singur cablu - twinsender.
- DVR-uri TREND - perfectiune prin simplitate .
- Noi functii ale camerelor CCTV - DIS.
- Supraveghere IP wireless cu ajutorul unei camere TP-Link TL-SC3130G.
- Link-ul wireless cu un punct intermediar - ULTIAIR.
Forta motrice din spatele bunei conditii ale industriei de securitate este o amenintare constanta. Anii crizei economice, dominata de diferite forme ale tulbur...
- Concurs "Pasionati de antene".
- TERRA MSV-932 - perla dintre multiswitch-uri.
- Iesirea TEST a camerelor CCTV.
- Supraveghere video in gara Lodz-Widzew.
- Modernizarea unui sistem analogic - folosind camere Pixord.
- Retea Home/SOHO bazata pe un router 3G.
- SatKrak 2010 - targul de televiziune digitala din Cracovia.
Viitorul ne va spune care a fost cel mai important eveniment de la targul IFA, emisiunea 3D transmisa live sau prezentarea de o ora prezentata unui grup mic de...
- Sistem multiswitch cu 700 de abonati intr-un bloc de 35 de etaje.
- Sigur si rapid - fibra optica.
- DVR-uri economice - ce este mai important - fps mare sau rezolutia?
- Pixord PL-621 - imagini excelente la un pret mic.
- Corectie gamma in camerele CCTV.
- O retea stabila si sigura - echipamente TP-Link.
Pe 15 iunie 2010, Multimedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA) a anuntat ratificarea a standardului de urmatoare generatie, MoCA 2.0. Acest eveniment a dus la la cerer...
- Echipamente HD in puburi si cluburi - o solutie completa bazata pe echipament Signal-HD HDMI.
- Switch-uri TP-LINK cu manangement - control deplin asupra retelei.
- Solutie economica pentru supraveghere video wireless.
- VIDEOPROBKI - website ce prezinta conditiile soselelor din Ucraina
- Functii CCTV moderne - Sense-Up.
- Supravegherea apei si a padurilor cu ajurotul unui echipament ULTIAIR si a retelei GSM.
In februarie 2010, google a anuntat ca pana la sfarsitul anului, va conecta proximativ 500 000 de abonati din Statele Unite la Internet prin intermediul unei r...
- Dupa lansarea DVB-T apar tot mai multe antene la balcoane.
- Alegerea unui obiectiv pentru o camera Megapixel
- DVR-urile TREND - mult DVR pentru putini bani.
- Prezentarea imaginilor filmate de catre camere prin intermediul unui website la mai multi utilizatori simultan - restreaming.
- Noile functii ale camerelor CCTV moderne - 3D DNR (3-Dimensional Digital Noise Reduction)
- Retea Wi-Fi pentru acasa - acces internet in toata casa.
Operatorul SES ASTRA va transmite programe HDTV in tehnologie 3D HDTV in intervalul 3-18 septembrie. Ocazia acestui experiment conincide cu sarbatorirea a cel...
- Amplificator semnal DVB-T
- Obiective asferice.
- CCTV - revizionarea materialelor inregistrate de pe PC
- Camerele megapixel Aviosys sunt lideri in prezentarea imaginilor/ stream-urilor pe pagini www.
- Retea pentru acasa folosind echipamente TP-LINK partea a 2-a.
Buying a laptop, do you want to pay the lowest price? - Take a photo of it with your smartphone, after a moment you will receive a message about the price of t...
- "Engagingly about Antennas".
- Remote power supply in TERRA multiswitch systems.
- A new quality of analog CCTV cameras - 600 TVL.
- A simple extension of the monitoring system - wireless data modules.
- Online monitoring of a marketplace.
The third revolution in the computing world - Songdo International City in South Korea. (Nr 25/2010)
The New Songdo City, to be completed by 2015, has been founded on the idea of a global model of the city with the most innovative infrastructure, schools, bui...
- Engagingly about Antennas - a photo contest.
- SMATV system in a modern residential estate.
- Video monitoring of a building complex.
- Modernization of a school video surveillance system.
- Safe and secure housing - a quiet vacation.
- Video data transmission over 3G network - monitoring of a construction site.
According to the www.netindex.com website, the fastest access to the Internet have residents of South Korea. The average throughput is 34.18 Mb/s. The second p...
- Engagingly about Antennas - 9th DIPOL's Summer Holiday Contest 2010.
- Constellation diagram - the indicator of DVB-T signal quality.
- Two signals in one cable.
- Video surveillance at an apartment complex.
- Professional monitoring of a currency exchange / jeweler's shop.
- Security at the highest level - video monitoring of Rotonda in Ljubljana.
- The launch of the first outdoor AP from TP-Link.
The Internet in the current formula has already exhausted its possibilities. The data transmission network with a capacity of about 4 billion addresses no long...
- The start of the "Engagingly about Antennas" contest.
- TERRA multiswitches save the situation.
- A portable CCTV system.
- ULTICAM IP cameras in Scandinavian trade network.
- VoIP 19 miles from the coast!
This year's International Fire and Security Exhibition and Conference (IFSEC) in Birmingham was held between May 10 and 13. It is the world's leading...
- A haven for sellers of satellite dishes.
- Fullband LNB - what's inside?
- TERRA MMH-3000 headend in Hotel Copernicus in Krakow.
- Night video surveillance of private property.
- Remote monitoring of dispersed grocery stores.
- Video compression in CCTV systems.
- Accessories for Mikrotik devices.
The international trade show ANGA Cable in Cologne is a barometer of the economic situation in the TV market (televisions and cooperating devices, TV distribut...
- The art of camouflage - installation of antennas on historic buildings.
- What antenna for DVB-T?
- Design rules for MATV systems.
- Why 360-degree infrared LED dome Redbeam illuminators are ideal for room surveillance?
- Video surveillance of industrial facilities - wireless transmission of signals from analog cameras.
- Monitors - work ergonomics.
- The impact of IP CCTV on LAN traffic.
- Wireless network with speeds up to 150 Mb/s - TP-LINK.
IFSEC 2010, the annual global security industry event in Birmingham, is being held from May 10th through May 13th. The IFSEC exhibition is a prestigious and we...
- Gold Medal for DIPOL and Redbeam illuminators.
- Antenna monument in Plemeur-Bodou.
- Integration of RF and IP services using Signal TV-FM-SAT/RJ-45/RJ-11 outlets.
- Monitoring of the parking lot at a supermarket - wireless analog transmission.
- The army selects Hikvision.
- Home Gigabit LAN and high speed WLAN - TP-LINK devices.
Earlier this year, Intel introduced Intel(R) Home Dashboard Concept. The set of equipment is used primarily for home energy management, but application of a 32...
- Antennas on the water.
- Modernization of a hotel TV antenna system - SMATV based on TERRA headend.
- Power supply in large CCTV systems.
- Monitoring of a construction site via the Internet.
- CDMA on vessels? Use omnidirectional CDMA antenna TRANS-DATA CDMA DZ10.2.
- DVD shelves.
The term OTT TV (Over-The-Top Television) is defined as transmission of video content bypassing the traditional distribution channels (terrestrial and satellit...
- Fantasy in antenna systems.
- What to pay attention to when measuring digital TV signals?
- Monitoring of entries.
- CCTV camera with Sharp sensor.
- Remote control of electrical equipment - the integration of Aviosys camera(s) and watchdog.
- DIPOL at Securex trade fair in Poznan, Poland, April 26-29, 2010.
Transmissions from the Indian cricket competition may become a landmark in television broadcasts. Indian Premier League (IPL) games are very prestigious events...
- Mounting antennas does not give free rein to one's imagination.
- SMATV system in a five-story building.
- A new generation of IR illuminators - Redbeam.
- CCTV monitoring in Sarmata hotel.
- Monitoring of multiple locations - Burger King restaurants in the UK.
- Alternative software for TP-LINK AP.
- Streaming from "Night of computer geeks".
- DIPOL at Securex trade fair in Poznan, Poland, April 26-29, 2010.
Installing antennas is a dangerous job (steep, slippery roofs etc). Sometimes the installers risk too much... We invite you to take part in the "Engagingly abo...
- SMATV system within minutes - new functions of SatNet utility from TERRA.
- Antenna outlets for PVR Twin receivers in multiswitch systems.
- Megapixel lenses.
- Monitoring of construction sites.
- Redbeam - cameras with professional IR illuminators for night observations.
- Can you find another such camera? - 550 TVL, SONY Super HAD II CCD, 2.8-12 mm lens.
- Protection of WestEnd shopping center in Budapest - Hikvision/ULTIMAX DVRs.
- Remote power control and reset - IP power switch & watchdog.
Image sensor is the element of cameras which converts the image projected onto it by the lens into electrical impulses. Currently, there are two main matrix (a...
- Birds in the forest of antennas.
- DVB-T antenna ideal for installation on facades.
- Moisture-resistant cable - TRISET-11 PE Total Cu.
- Size of an object on monitor screen.
- A new generation of infrared illuminators - part 1.
- CCTV system in an elementary school.
- WLAN in a single-family house - part 1.
Since 2008, two working groups under the auspices of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) have been developing standards to enable wir...
- Country of high antenna masts.
- Converting MATV into SMATV system.
- Powerful IR illuminator.
- Preview of images from ACTi cameras via iPhone.
- Video surveillance of apartment buildings in Manhattan.
- Standard 802.11n - a forward-looking solution for homes.
- Antenna and telecommunication systems in housing developments and homes.
- Spain is a country of high masts
Last year many manufacturers and investors had to face the crises, thus their striving for efficiency. However, it did not mean stagnation in the field of secu...
- A world of fantasy in the era of globalization.
- SMATV system for multi-family building, with 60-1000 outlets.
- Bit Error Ratio (BER) - measurements.
- Wireless megapixel video surveillance in office rooms.
- iVMS4000 - modern network client for large IP CCTV systems.
- Problems with 3G connectivity?
- Antenna and telecommunication systems in housing developments and homes.
- Ukraine.
The idea of making screens for displaying 3D images, allowing to view the 3D imaging without special glasses, consists in mounting special screens or arrays of...
- CeBIT 2010 - a panorama of the event.
- Signal measurements in modern antenna systems - DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-H, DVB-C.
- Signal multiswitches - economic and reliable.
- Professional CCTV monitor from Samsung.
- CCTV in a new supermarket chain.
- Big money at stake - video surveillance of a 24-hour casino with ULTICAM cameras.
The world's largest trade fair for IT and telecommunications was held in Hanover between March 2 and 6, 2010. 4157 companies represented 68 countries. For...
- They are building the highest tower in the world in a seismically active region.
- Multimedia solution for theaters, concert halls, clubs and pubs.
- The information coded in model numbers of ULTIMODE optical devices.
- How to mount RJ45 modular plug on UTP twisted-pair cable?
- Wireless CCTV systems - good practice guidelines (part 3).
- CCTV in a single-family house.
- Wireless IP CCTV system on a parking lot.
- "Tokyo Sky Tree" - Japan.
Gefen company has launched a new device on the market, which allows wireless transmission of uncompressed HDMI 1.3 audio/video at resolutions of up to 1080p / ...
- Winter problems with satellite signal reception.
- How to increase satellite signal strength?
- Insulation stripper HT-332 - blade gap adjustment - a movie.
- 19" RACK adapter for ULTIMODE media converters.
- Wireless CCTV systems - good practice guidelines (part 2).
- Large CCTV system in Massasoit Community College.
- Several computers and one printer - print server TP-Link TL-PS310U.
The Olympic Games are a very important event for the whole world. The organizers should create great atmosphere and provide a wonderful spectacle. A very impor...
- Radio links using untypical masts - where are they?
- How to choose the components of a headend?
- SMATV system in a multi-family building - TERRA multiswitches.
- Building blocks of the network - SFP transceivers.
- New DVRs from the world leader - HIKVISION/ULTIMAX.
- Coverage problems have gone away - application of GSM amplifier/repeater.
- N connectors in WLAN systems - installation instructions.
- Greece.
In January this year, China Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) was covering 280 Chinesse cities with its mobile TV service based on CMMB (China Multimedia Mobile B...
- CeBIT 2010 - "Connected Worlds".
- How to receive programs from satellite pay-TV platform throughout the home, using a single smart card?
- Mobile reception of satellite TV - not only FTA channels.
- Is it possible to replace the lens in a ceiling camera?
- Quick adapter to DC 2.1/5.5 power connector and professional compression BNC connector.
- Modernization of video surveillance system in a hospital in Taiwan.
- Advanced monitoring of the network of branches of the Turkish Ziraat Bank.
- Easier installation due to standard solutions - RACK cabinets.
The principle "Always On, Always Connected" of Broadcom Corporation is a new approach to management of multimedia connected consumer devices, communications, c...
- TV tower on a hotel roof.
- How to receive programs from satellite pay-TV platform throughout the home, using a single smart card?
- SMATV system based on multiswitches - 5/9-cable or cascade architecture?
- How far a 550 TVL camera is better than a 450 TVL device?
- How to add intelligence to a CCTV system - Event Handler.
- 4 burglaries in one year - a good reason for monitoring of underground garage.
- Wireless transmission faster than Fast Ethernet.
- Kyoto - Japan.
The biggest problem with the image analysis is the uniqueness of the input parameters. The object is never the same - differently illuminated, appearing at var...
- Decapolis - where are these antennas?
- F connectors - important components of antenna installations.
- Satellite meter/finder with DVB-S receiver and A/V monitor for CCTV.
- How to combine SAT and terrestrial TV signals?
- Video transmission from several analog cameras through a single cable.
- BABY TV - a new application of IP cameras.
- HDMI over CAT5e cable.
- Damascus - the capital of Syria, and Amman - the capital of Jordan.
The major manufacturers compete with each other in preparing 3D image display systems. Panasonic is dedicated to developing technologies for: capturing video (...
- A paradise for WLAN installers - where is it?
- Television, Internet, telephony - fiber optic transmission with return channel.
- A cost-effective solution for small hotels and boarding houses - satellite TV.
- Video monitoring in a car repair shop.
- Video surveillance of POS.
- IP CCTV solutions for roadside commercial buildings.
- HDMI Switcher-Splitter 2x4.
- China - the area around the Lijiang River.
The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is a barometer of trends in consumer electronics. The reputation of the largest exhibition event...
- "Engagingly about antennas" - IX DIPOL Holiday Photo Contest 2010.
- Management and monitoring of large cable television systems - optical node Terra OD-120.
- Designing multiswitch system with 128 outlets.
- Precise Day/Night camera with privacy zones and motion detection.
- IP video surveillance in Arcelor Mittal plant.
- HD content on many displays.
- Flat panel wall mount with tilt and swivel.
HDMI interface enables transmission of uncompressed high definition video and digital audio via a single, integrated cable. It allows to connect DVD or Blu-ray...
- Where is this unusual TV exhibit - a titanium ball?
- SMATV and cable TV systems with range up to 30 km - fiber optic networks.
- Modulators - the selection criteria.
- Transmission range calculation for ULTIMODE devices.
- Surveillance of POS - video text inserter.
- HDMI switcher.
- TP-Link & Windows 7.
- Fuji Sankei Building.
Optimum Online Ultra is the Internet access service offered for end users in New York City. For 100 USD subscription fee, the subscriber gets 101 Mbps download...
- Fantasy or necessity? - Unusual supports for antenna masts.
- Modern wireless smart card splitter for Seca system.
- Simple satellite and CCTV system with 4 outlets.
- 550 TVL, varifocal lens and the latest Sony sensor - a new series of dome cameras.
- Lenses for megapixel cameras.
- Low-cost IP CCTV system in a one-family home - TP-Link.
- Simple to install and convenient - Monako LCD mount.
- Japan - the country of lightweight roof constructions.